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excessive caffeine levels, caffeine, caffeine alternatives, caffeine pills, Jet-Alert, Jet-Alert Caffeine, energy drinks vs caffeine pill, By KamranAydinovStudio

3 Ready-to-Drink Energy Drink Brands With Excessive Caffeine Levels

The FDA claims the average adult should only consume about 400 milligrams or less of caffeine a day. What many people don’t realize is that energy drinks can quickly put a person over that mark. Drinking just two cans of many popular brands of energy drinks can put one past or very close to 400 milligrams. Drinking three […]

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D3 pills

What Are Caffeine Pills and Are They Safe?

It’s anything but uncommon to use caffeine as a source of energy. In fact, 64% of American adults drink coffee on a daily basis.  However, coffee and other caffeinated beverages come with their downsides. They are expensive, calorie-laden, and can be time-consuming to make. That’s where caffeine pills come in. So-called “stay alert pills” are perfect for those […]

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